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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="Riven_FLST_resources" />
      <page pageid="162" ns="0" title="Riven BLST resources">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">&lt;noinclude&gt;{{Riven}}&lt;/noinclude&gt;
They control which hotspots should be enabled and which disabled within the card.

Each BLST resource is a list of records; it starts with an unsigned short record count, followed by that many records. The record size is 6 bytes and follows this structure:

{| class=&quot;structure&quot;
|unsigned short||index||class=&quot;comment&quot;|Record index, starting from 1
|unsigned short||enabled||class=&quot;comment&quot;|Hotspot state, 0 or 1
|unsigned short||hotspot_id||class=&quot;comment&quot;|Matches the blst_id field of the corresponding hotspot record

BLST records must be &quot;activated&quot; from scripts, with command 43. Note that hotspots may exist without an associated BLST record. In that case, unless they are marked as Zip Mode hotspots and Zip Mode is off, they should just be enabled when entering the card.</rev>
      <page pageid="222" ns="0" title="Riven CARD resources">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">&lt;noinclude&gt;{{Riven}}&lt;/noinclude&gt;
CARD resources describe general properties of cards and associate a command script to each card. There is one CARD resource for each card, and its ID matches the card ID.

{| class=&quot;structure&quot;
|short||name_rec||class=&quot;comment&quot;|If ≥ 0, record index in [[Riven NAME resources|NAME]] resource 1 to provide a name for the card
|unsigned short||zip_mode_place||
|variable size||script||

''zip_mode_place'' is usually 0; it's 1 when the card name is one of the special names used in ZIPS records. I think that if ''zip_mode_place'' = 1 then Riven stores the card name and ID in a new [[Riven ZIPS resources|ZIPS]] record when the card is accessed, so that the place will be accessible using Zip Mode later.

For info on the attached script see the [[Riven scripts|scripts section]].</rev>