Myst VIEW resources

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Mohawk Overview
Scripts Variables

There are the same number of RLST and VIEW resources in all Myst packages: thus they may be locked together by index like HSPT and CARD resources in Riven.

Basic Format

From what I can tell, VIEW resources describe what to show on screen and what sound to play. This is based on what Petroff Heroj found out (with some adjustments).

Conditional Images

unsigned short u0
unsigned short image_count
variable conditional_images
  • u0 is unknown.
  • image_count is the amount of images to check against.
  • conditional_images is a count of these records:
unsigned short var
unsigned short num_states
  • var is the variable to check against.
  • num_states is the number of image id's.

Then, there are num_states unsigned shorts representing an image id. The variable is the index of what to use in the table.

Main Segment

Following that, is this structure:

unsigned short main_image
signed short sound
unsigned short flags
  • main_image is the main image to show on the screen. (Kind of like the default case).
  • sound is the sound id to play. If it is less than 0, it acts like a flag to pause, continue sound (-1?), or stop the current sound (what means what still needs to be checked).
  • flags appears to be flags.

Unknown Segment

TODO: I haven't completely figured this out. Petroff's guess was that it preloaded resources. However, it doesn't make sense that it is like that. It starts with an unsigned short representing the count. Then, following that is an unsigned short (which he believed to be the resource type to load). If it was 3 then there would be an array of WDIB's (an array of unsigned shorts, starting with a count and an unknown -- each unsigned shorts). A 1 would mean a single WDIB, a 2 would mean a single MSND (each represented by an unsigned short).

More Unknown

Following that is four unsigned shorts. Petroff's guess was that they represented RLST, HINT, EXIT, and INIT respectively. But, that doesn't line up with the resources that exist in the files. More likely, those resources are dependent upon the card id.

Old Case Studies

image name and sub-images (akin to Riven PLSTs)

0 0 3001 -1 0/0 3001 3001 0 0
name neg. bytes (name name 0 0)
0 0 3002 -2 0/144 0 3002 3002 0 0
0 0 3003 -2 0/144 1 [1 3004] 3003 3003 0 0
name ? count entry (name name 0 0)
  • I think 3004 is the name of a sub-image (small image to be placed in another) of 3003 here.
0 0 3005 3005 0/144 1 [1 3006] 3005 3005 0 0
name twice (name name 0 0)
0 0 3012 -2 0/50 5 [1 3013] [1 3008] [1 3009] [1 3010] [1 3011] 3012 0 0 3012
name ? count entries (name 0 0 name)
14 1 1 5 2 3030 3031 FFFC 3 2 3031 00_A0 4031 x00A0 2 2 4030 1 3030 3031 3031 0 0
44 1 1 2 2 3095 3096 FFFC 15 2 3095 00_A0 4095 x00A0 4 2 4095 1 3562 1 3097 2 5095 3095 3095 3095 0
348 1 1 16 2 3536 3535 3535 x0060 0 3535 3535 0 0
359 1 1 5 2 3550 3552 FFFC 3 2 6552 00_80 3552 x0080 4 4 3550 4 3552 2 4552 2 5552 3552 3552 0 0
47 1 1 10 2 4140 4141 5141 x0090 1 2 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141
50 1 1 10 2 4148 4149 4149 x0090 0 4149 4149 4149 0
51 1 1 10 2 4150 4151 FFFE x0070 0 4150 4150 0 0
94 1 1 10 2 4243 4244 4244 x0050 0 4244 4244 0 0
116 1 1 40 2 4292 4294 FFFC 40 2 4292 00_50 4292 x0060 2 1 4293 2 5292 4292 4292 0 0
145 1 1 0 2 4358 4357 FFFE x0030 0 4357 4357 0 0
287 1 1 34 3 4698 4701 4702 xFFFD 4 1 4699 2 4698 2 5698 2 6698 4698 4698 4698 4698
295 1 1 10 2 4717 4719 4717 x0040 1 1 4718 4717 4717 0 0